ReAnimus Press publishes best-selling books from
award-winning authors. This is Norman Spinrad's official web store for these titles. Ebooks are available directly on the site, without DRM; print books are sold through's printing service.
Tired of his low-level job with the American space program, engineer Jerry Reed makes enemies of friends when he moves to Paris, where the EEC and the Soviet Union have joined to create a renaissance in space exploration.
[in Print Format]
The only thing more dangerous than the Plague—is the cure...
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$8.99 (ebook), $19.99 (print)
The prophecy is fulfilled. The fifth world has fallen. The sixth world is born, and only one man holds the secret of the late empire...
$0.99 (ebook), $15.99 (print)
How things really work in the art and commerce of publishing by a three-time SFWA President.
$5.99 (ebook), $27.99/$17.99 (print)
The banned book is back! You've heard of it, now you can read it!
Lover and hero, Jack Barron, troubleshooter and media god of the Bug Jack Barron Show, has one last chance to hit it big when he meets Benedict Howards, the power-mad man with the secret to immortality. A Hugo and Nebula Award finalist![More...]
Only the sorcerers of Space Systems, Inc., dare traffic in the "Black Sciences"... "leads the reader gently toward wider and more awesome vistas"—Larry Niven
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$0.99 (ebook), $4.99 (print)
A must-read essay for all Readers and Writers of Science Fiction
For 300 years the Solarians had isolated themselves from the galaxy with the promise to reappear one day to bring victory. With the human race at stake in a war with machine-like beings, can Jay Palmer accept them and their dangerous plan to surrender Earth?
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The streets are filled with Uzi-toting enforcers and wire heads—but Glorianna O'Toole and others have a plan to fix the world. Rock'n'roll to the rescue...
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The Movement—was it the greatest con of all time, or the last true religion? A chilling novel about the evil of cults.
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From time to time we conduct drawings for things like free Kindles, free ebooks, and so forth. We're not conducting one right now, but check back later!
Last Drawing's Winners
The winners of the Apr. 30th drawing are:
1st Place:
Sandra Beeman
(Kindle + choice of any two ebooks)
2nd Place:
Guy Harris
(Choice of any two ebooks)
3rd Place:
Paula Prescott
(Choice of any one ebook)
4th Place:
Andy Kossowsky
(Choice of any one ebook)