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Countdown to Armageddon / A Stranger in Paradise

by Edward M. Lerner

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More by Edward M. Lerner



The Best of Edward M. Lerner

Creative Destruction

Countdown to Armageddon / A Stranger in Paradise

The Sherlock Chronicles & The Paradise Quartet

Frontiers of Space, Time, and Thought

Dark Secret


Fools' Experiments

Small Miracles

In this amazing double-sized volume are some of Edward M. Lerner's best works:

In Countdown to Armageddon, terrorists have obtained an atomic bomb and a would-be martyr eager to deliver it—and that's the good news. The bad news, unknown even to the terrorists, is that their physicist has also found a way to take his new bomb back in time to a turning point in European history.

Harry Bowen, an American physicist, and Terrence Ambling, a British agent turned historian, are determined to stop Abdul Faisel—but time is running out...

A Stranger in Paradise collects five of the bestselling author's science fiction stories, spanning microengineering to Big Brother to planetary ecologies in "The Night of the RFIDs," "Two Kinds of People," "Better the Devil You Know," "Small Business," and "A Stranger in Paradise."


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