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The Rithian Terror

by Damon Knight

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More by Damon Knight

In Search of Wonder


The Futurians

The Observers

A Reasonable World

The World and Thorinn

Creating Short Fiction

Hell's Pavement

Beyond the Barrier

Masters of Evolution

A for Anything

The Sun Saboteurs

The Rithian Terror

Mind Switch

The Man in the Tree

Why Do Birds

Humpty Dumpty: An Oval

Far Out

In Deep

Off Center

Turning On

Three Novels

World Without Children and The Earth Quarter

The Best of Damon Knight

Rule Golden and Other Stories

Better Than One

Late Knight Edition

God's Nose

One Side Laughing: Stories Unlike Other Stories

Turning Points: Essays on the Art of Science Fiction

Charles Fort: Prophet of the Unexplained

Faking Out the Reader & It All Begins with Characters

Will the Real Hieronymus Bosch Please Stand Up?

A psychological thriller that follows an Earth security officer in the future who is racing against time to locate an alien spy. This is one of the first books to feature a surveillance drone.

In the year 2521, the xenophobic Earth is the dominant power in a Galactic empire, with a policy of ruthlessly conquering or undermining other alien races it encounters. The latest are the Rithians, and after some years of clandestine harassment by Earth, the Rithians have managed to place a group of spies disguised as humans on the Earth.

How do you find a space spy who substitutes perfectly for anyone in the universe?

The fate of the Earth Empire hangs in the balance—and Security Commissioner Spangler knows it's up to him to find the monster, the Rithian Terror. Seven Rithians had landed on earth. Six had been disposed of. One was loose. It could look like anyone. Can Spangler find the spy in time? Can the Empire survive? Should it?

About the Author

The Damon Knight Library
The authorized site for all of the SFWA Grandmaster's books

Damon Knight

Damon Knight was a science fiction author, editor, critic and fan. His forte was short stories and he is widely acknowledged as having been a master of the genre. He was a member of the Futurians, an early organization of the most prominent SF writers of the day. He founded the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, Inc. (SFWA), the primary writers' organization for genre writers, as well as the Milford Writers workshop and co-founded the Clarion Writers Workshop. He edited the notable Orbit anthology series, and received the Hugo and SFWA Grand Master award. The award was later renamed in his honor. He was married to fellow writer Kate Wilhelm.


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