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Conquerors from the Darkness

by Robert Silverberg

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More by Robert Silverberg

Shadrach in the Furnace

The Gate of Worlds

Conquerors from the Darkness

Time of the Great Freeze

Enter a Soldier. Later: Another

The Longest Way Home

Challenge for a Throne

The New Springtime

Hot Sky at Midnight

Scientists and Scoundrels

The Crusades

The Pueblo Revolt

Kingdoms of the Wall

The Alien Years

The Stochastic Man


Tower of Glass

The New Atlantis


Three for Tomorrow

Three Trips in Time and Space

The Day the Sun Stood Still


Alpha 1

Alpha 2

Alpha 3

Alpha 4

Alpha 5

Alpha 6

Alpha 7

Alpha 8

Alpha 9

Chains of the Sea

A thousand years in the future, the earth has been conquered by an alien race and covered by a single sea. Dovirr Stargan, who is disgusted with the servility of his life on the floating city of Vythain, longs to become one of the Sea-Lords, who roam the sea as powerful protectors of the cities. Dovirr gets his wish, but the return of the alien race brings unexpected and critically dangerous crises to his new life as he learns the real, sometimes terrible, significance of power.


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