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by Ann Backhaus and Hermann Maurer

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More by Ann Backhaus and Hermann Maurer

XPERTS: The Telekinetic

XPERTS: The Paradoppelganger

XPERTS: The Paracommunicator

XPERTS: The Parashield


XPERTS: Mindwave

XPERTS: The Parawarriors

XPERTS: The Paranet

XPERTS Series - All 8 Books

While on a consultancy project in Indonesia, Dr. Amanda 'Mandi' Webber, an Australian researcher, discovers an illegal production facility for e-Helpers. A patent breach, however, is only the start of her discoveries. Mandi uncovers data that shows the hazardous, even deadly, impact of electromagnetic radiation -- e-smog! With the help of Marcus Waller's group of parapersons, Mandi plans to go public with the findings. A powerful, multinational consortium of corporations, however, has other plans, which includes keeping the findings away from the public at all costs.

Hermann Maurer is an Austrian computer scientist, serving as Professor of Computer Science at the Graz University of Technology. He has supervised over 40 dissertations, written more than 20 books and over 600 scientific articles, and started or been involved with a number of companies. He thinks that future applications of computers can barely be described using today's terminology, and so employs metaphors such as telepathy and teleportation when discussing them.


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