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The Hugo, Nebula, and World Fantasy Awards

by Howard DeVore

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[NOTE: The ebook edition is currently a digital replica edition -- a PDF of the scanned page images of the paperback -- and not an epub/mobi type of typical ebook file. We are working on a typical epub/mobi type of ebook edition, but this is a large, complex book to convert from paper, so this digital replica / PDF approach is our first step, to get it out there more rapidly. The underlying/invisible PDF text is searchable, but still contains many scanning errors. You can read the page images clearly, just as if you were looking at a physical copy of the book. We want to be clear that it's a PDF for the time being. You will be able to download an epub/mobi file when we have it ready. This is in addition to the existing paperback edition, which heretofore was the only format available.]

Science fiction fans have voted for the Hugo Awards for best science fiction almost every year since 1953. Members of the Science Fiction Writers of America have presented the Nebula Awards since 1965. In all this time, lists of winners have been widely available, but the losers have usually been ignored.

In 1970 long-time fan Howard DeVore started publishing a complete listing of Hugo and Nebula awards, including the stories that were nominated but did not win. The fact that stories were nominated implied that they had considerable merit. Mr. DeVore felt that a complete listing would let fans compare them. The International Fantasy Awards may have inspired the Hugos, so he added them. DeVore brought out new editions year by year, publishing and distributing them himself with the aid of a number of devoted science fiction fans. By 1998 the task had grown to the point where Mr. DeVore happily relinquished the job to Advent.

This edition includes introductory and historical essays by Donald Franson explaining how each award got started and how nominees and winners are chosen, plus commentary in the yearly listings. Table of Contents

  • The International Fantasy Awards, 1951-1957
  • The Hugo Nominations, essay by Donald Franson
  • The Hugo Awards
  • The Nebula Awards by Howard DeVore
  • The World Fantasy Awards by Roger Silverstein

"Hugo" is a service mark of the World Science Fiction Association, Uninc.


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