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by John and Mary Gribbin

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More by John and Mary Gribbin

XPERTS: The Telekinetic

A Guide to Barsoom

Ice Age

Cosmic Coincidences

In Search of the Big Bang

In Search of the Double Helix

Q is for Quantum


Fire on Earth

Deep Quarry

Manhattan Transfer

Reunion on Neverend

Redshift Rendezvous

Memory Blank

Reckoning Infinity

Death Tolls


All for Naught

Companion to the Cosmos


Three Trips in Time and Space

The Remarkable Story of Darwin's Captain and the Invention of the Weather Forecast

The name of Robert FitzRoy, captain of the Beagle, is forever linked with that of his most famous passenger, Charles Darwin. This exceptionally interesting biography brings FitzRoy out of Darwin's shadow for the first time, revealing a man who experienced high adventure, suffered tragic disappointments, and—as the inventor of weather forecasting—saved the lives of countless fellow mariners.

John and Mary Gribbin draw a detailed portrait of FitzRoy, recounting the wide range of his accomplishments and exploring the motivations that drove him. As a very young and successful commander in the British navy, FitzRoy's life was in the mold of a Patrick O'Brian novel. This biography focuses well-deserved attention on FitzRoy's status as a master scientist and seaman.


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