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Colours of the Soul

by Sean McMullen

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More by Sean McMullen

Colours of the Soul

Ghosts of Engines Past

Dreams of the Technarion

Great science fiction stories from an award winning master:

Sean predicts practical electronic telepathy by about 2030. Whether electronic or biological, however, it will bring the same issues in its luggage...

Why are cheetahs the most perfect of creatures? Besides because they're cats, that is...

Even magic cannot argue with mathematics...

We have war crime trials, so are climate crime trials on the way?

How well could King Arthur sing, really?

What is the purpose of human life? Progress or survival? If you opted for progress, then you must define progress...

Facebook makes a lot of things very easy, but what about Spacebook...

Could you truly love someone forever? With the help of mathematics, yes.

The past has clues for un-thought-of things we can do with the science and technology that we have right now...

Death is still inevitable. Immortality might be possible. Could there be anything else?

What has graffiti to do with first contact? Possibly everything...

To get to Mars you only need a Volkswagen.

These and a bunch more cool, mind-blowing stories. You really can't argue with mathematics, so buy your copy now.


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