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Beyond the Hedge

by Roby James

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More by Roby James



The Soldier's Daughter

Beyond the Hedge

A Song of Awakening


A high-level executive woman who has never had time for love stumbles into a land called Clipton Magna, which is two hundred years in the past and ruled by magic. She wants to return to her own reality, but the rules of the land make that difficult, and when the magnetic son of the squire tries to help her get back to the England that exists outside their borders, they begin to fall in love, despite what they both want. It is dangerous to everyone, because their love can threaten the very existence of Clipton Magna and the spirits that rule it.

"Roby James writes with passion and intelligence."
—Jack McDevitt, Nebula Award Winner

"Look out, Robert Jordan!"
—Barnes & Noble Booksellers Newsletter


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