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Scourge of Stars: Book Two of The Sigil Trilogy

by Henry Gee

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More by Henry Gee

Siege of Stars: Book One of The Sigil Trilogy

Scourge of Stars: Book Two of The Sigil Trilogy

Rage of Stars: Book Three of The Sigil Trilogy

The Sigil Trilogy (Omnibus vol.1-3)

The Science of Middle-earth

By The Sea

Book Two of Henry Gee's incredible Sigil Trilogy!

The Brethren of a remote and lonely monastery are preparing for the Apparition of the Goddess, a festival that happens once every 2,058,416 years. But will the Goddess arrive in time to save them from an apparition of an altogether more hostile kind?

Mr Haraddzjin Khorare, Trader in Textiles from the Very Great and Ancient City of Axandragór, is on a routine business trip. But when his vessel is attacked by pirates, his adventure takes an altogether more astonishing turn.

The discoveries of Jack Corstorphine and Jadis Markham have stunned the world. But more is to come, With their adopted son Tom, their student Shoshana Levinson, their colleague Avram Malkeinu, and their mentor, scientist-priest Domingo, they are about to witness at first hand the full horror of the War of the Last Days.

Scourge of Stars is the second volume of The Sigil Trilogy, Henry Gee's epic tale that explores the nature of humanity, religion and love.


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