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The Craft of Writing Science Fiction that Sells

by Ben Bova

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More by Ben Bova

The Exiles Trilogy

The Weathermakers

The Dueling Machine

The Star Conquerors (Collectors' Edition)

The Star Conquerors (Standard Edition)

The Kinsman Saga

The Craft of Writing Science Fiction that Sells


Star Watchmen


As on a Darkling Plain

The Winds of Altair

The Multiple Man

Test of Fire

Space Travel - A Science Fiction Writer's Guide


The Story of Light

Twice Seven

Forward in Time

Maxwell's Demons

The Astral Mirror

Vengeance of Orion

Orion in the Dying Time

Orion and the Conqueror

Orion Among the Stars

To Save The Sun

The Starcrossed

Survival Guide for the Suddenly Single

Ben Bova, best-selling author and six-time Hugo Award winner for Best Editor explains step by step all the elements you need to write professionally selling science fiction. Bova was editor of both Analog and Omni magazine, two of the best-ever markets for short fiction, as well as a best-selling novelist and former President of SFWA — so nobody knows what sells better than Ben Bova. The book breaks down every aspect of writing and analyzes it in depth, including with complete example short stories that he examines for how they tick. The book targets science fiction in particular since it's one of the hardest genres to write, but his explanations are applicable to fiction of any genre.

This is a must-read for anyone trying to break into the professional science fiction writing field.

Chapter One - How to Get Out of the Slushpile
Chapter Two - Science Fiction
Chapter Three - Character in Science Fiction: Theory
Chapter Four - Character in Science Fiction - Fifteen Miles - A Complete Short Story
Chapter Five - Character in Science Fiction: Practice
Chapter Six - Background in Science Fiction: Theory
Chapter Seven - Background in Science Fiction - Sepulcher - A Complete Short Story
Chapter Eight - Background in Science Fiction: Practice
Chapter Nine - Conflict in Science Fiction: Theory
Chapter Ten - Conflict in Science Fiction - Crisis of the Month - A Complete Short Story
Chapter Eleven - Conflict in Science Fiction: Practice
Chapter Twelve - Plot in Science Fiction: Theory
Chapter Thirteen - Plot in Science Fiction - The Shining Ones - A Complete Short Story
Chapter Fourteen - Plot in Science Fiction: Practice
Chapter Fifteen - Think Before You Write: Preparing for the Novel
Chapter Sixteen - The Long Siege: Writing the Novel
Chapter Seventeen - Into the Cold, Cruel World: Marketing Your Fiction
Chapter Eighteen - The Thematic Novel
Chapter Nineteen - Ideas, Style and Inspiration


Ben Bova, author of more than eighty futuristic novels and nonfiction books, has been involved in science and high technology since the beginning of the space program. Formerly president of Science-fiction and Fantasy Writers of America and President Emeritus of the National Space Society, Bova is a frequent commentator on radio and television, and a popular lecturer. He has also been an editor and an executive in the aerospace industry.

His novels, such as Mars, The Exiles Trilogy, and The Grand Tour series, combine romance, adventure, and scientific accuracy to explore the impact of technological developments on individuals and on society as a whole. His nonfiction books, such as Welcome to Moonbase and Assured Survival, show how modern technology can be used to solve economic, social and political problems.

Bova has taught science fiction writing at Harvard University and at the Hayden Planetarium in New York City. He lectures regularly on topics dealing with the space program, energy, the craft of writing, and the art of predicting the future. His audiences have included the National Geographic Society, government and corporate executive groups, writers' workshops and university students. He has worked with film makers and television producers, such as Woody Allen, George Lucas and Gene Roddenberry.

Bova has appeared on hundreds of radio and television broadcasts. He was a regular guest on CBS Morning News, and has appeared frequently on Good Morning America and the Today show.

He was editorial director of Omni magazine and editor of Analog magazine. He received the Science Fiction Achievement Award (the "Hugo") for Best Professional Editor six times.

Don't keep making the same mistakes — take your writing to the next level by reading THE CRAFT OF WRITING SCIENCE FICTION THAT SELLS today!


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